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The real face of "PEACEFUL" Buddhists. A genocide of Rohingya Muslims.

“A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity"(Gautama Buddha)
As much of a peace-loving religion Buddhism is considered worldwide, the actions of Myanmar's hardline Buddhist monk group Ma Ba Tha, show otherwise.
Myanmar is a part of Burma, with a Muslim population of five and a half crore. It has the 12th largest army in the world, with countries like China, India, Bangladesh and Thailand as its neighbors. In Myanmar, lies the "land of oppression and dismay", known as Rakhine on the world map, with a population of thirteen lac remaining Rohingya Muslims as its maltreated inhabitants after a massacre of four lac Muslims. Rohingya is a particular race which has inhibited Rakhine state of Burma since centuries now. The genocide in Myanmar is an example of Racism.
Distribution of Rohingya Muslims throughout the world
  These Rohingya Muslims are deprived of all the basic necessities of life including food, shelter, access to medical centers, education and security. They do not have citizenship rights. According to historians, Rohingya group dates back centuries, however Burmese government claim, they are relatively recent immigrants. They are not allowed to travel without specific documents which comprise of almost an uncollectible data. Most of these people dwell on the border of Bangladesh and Myanmar, as they are unacceptable to both. Bangladesh has the largest number of Rohingya Muslims and the next in line is Pakistan. In an interview, when Bangladesh's Prime Minister Hasina Wajid was questioned on the refusal of her government to help Rohingya Muslims being an inhumane act, she replied:
 "You should talk to Myanmar government. It is not Bangladesh who is responsible."
Rohingya Muslims are not allowed to buy or own any kind of property in Myanmar. Moreover, each Muslim family cannot have more than two children.

Satellite imagery of burnt villages 
Initially, waves of deadly violence began in 2012.It was ignited by the rape and murder of a young Buddhist woman. After this, disagreement continued between the majority Rakhine Buddhists and minority Rakhine Muslims. Recently, Burmese government said that Rohingya Muslims burned their 2300 houses however Human Rights Watch confirmed:
"By pictures taken through satellite, it is clear that fire was ignited by the Myanmar government."

Communal mistrust and unrest has been felt from centuries now but under the military government, it was covered by more critical political situation. Now, in the climate of freedom everything has come to the surface and more magnified than ever.
Burma region has a group of anti-Muslimism monks called Ma Ba Tha, it’s prominent figure Asin Wirathu was rightfully referred to as "The Face of Buddhist Terror" in 2013 by Time Magazine. Asin Wirathu, leader of an anti-Muslimism "969 movement" supports, instigate and promote anti-Muslim feelings among his spiritual followers. According to him:
    "You can be full of kindness and love but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog"
"Mad Dog" being the raped, murdered, oppressed and burned alive minority Rohingya Muslims. In 2015, Wanghee Lee, United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on Myanmar was called a "whore” this UN"s High Commissioner for Human Rights said that Wirathu’s statement is:
    "Sexist, insulting and utterly unacceptable"
According to a Muslim spokesman in Burma:
"96% population is scared of 5% Muslims"
Ma Ba Tha establishes its belief on the fear; Muslims ultimately would take over Buddhists by population expansion therefore feels a need to carry out an open genocide, without the slightest of shame. Therefore, the next time your country faces population expansion, take the solution from Mr. Asin. KILL THEM because apparently lives don’t matter.

Arriya Wutta Bewauntha, who is also a well-known Buddhist monk with many spiritual followers, said:
   "He sides a little towards hate [and this was] not the ways buddha taught"
"Little" I'd say is unacceptably humble. I ask everyone, is it even close to humanitarian principles let alone teachings of Buddha?
The Nobel "PEACE" prize winner
Aung San Suu Kyi, who is the State Counsellor (equivalent to PM) of Myanmar and de facto leader of Myanmar, bearer of Noble Prize has so far done nothing to combat a situation which has been referred to as "ethnic cleansing”. United Nation ambassador, Yong Elie said:
       "Myanmar government wants to completely finish Rohingya Muslims".
Pop Francis has also condemned this injustice.
Religions aside, countries and races aside, the question is: Has the UN and "certain" people become so heartless to not even be stirred by the nerve-racking, heart-wrecking incidents? Where is the UN? Where is the Armed Forces consisting of 37 Muslim countries, whose main aim was to protect 'rights' of Muslims across the world. Is Myanmar a future 'Iraq', 'Syria' or 'Kashmir’?

Author: Anisa Sohail


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