In student life, Most of the times you are light pocketed. That, and the fact that you are always hungry. Hunger and empty pockets don't really cope up well. To solve that, KFC offered us their new Sub 100 the "daily affordable" burger along with a variety of other different "daily affordables". I, being an always hungry person that i am, took it upon myself to try the new thing in the town, the KFC sub 100. I was coming back from my university, and on my way home, I smelt fried chicken, and every other normal person, I decided to go for a burger because why not? After all it takes some effort to get fat. So I went inside KFC and bought myself the KFC sub 100. How was it? The first thing I noticed, was that it was a lot smaller than advertised. Of course it was. I took a bite from it and it tasted DRY!! Now before you bash me with comments like "hey its just a burger, it's supposed to be dry and you should have bought some drink along with it ya...
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