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The Blue Whale App Is Actually A Group Of HACKERS!!!

So we've all heard about the mysterious and deadly app that causes people (mostly teens) to complete different type of disturbing challenges most of which are self hurt. These include firstly harmless tasks like scare yourself and all that. As the days progress, the challenges start to include self harm and ultimately suicide. You can read a lot about the "Blue whale" challenges on other forums but what you don't know is why a perfectly happy person would commit suicide just for the sake of a stupid challenge game. While you might be told that these "victims" were already unstable and the Blue Whale was just the finger on the trigger, that's not entirely true.

The Bigger Picture

We live in a world where economic profit is of utmost importance. Nothing happens unless there is a profit in it. Be it banking or trading goods or running a university for that matter. Now you are probably wondering, why in the world am I talking about economics? Well here it goes. If you have a little secret of yours which you do not want to be exposed, Say, a Facebook chat or a private DM on Instagram which you don't want to go public in any case, and let’s say someone just got hold of it and is blackmailing to "expose" you unless you install a harmless app on your phone. The most logical thing to do is of course install the app, which you do. The app might be a game or some fancy web browser or even a music player. The point is, that you think your issue is solved and you are safe and
Facebook app asking for permissions
that creepy blackmail issue is gone. Now go back to app installation phase. If you are a little bit advance user, you know that every app requires a set of permissions to work properly which it asks for either at the time you are installing the app or running it for the first time. As you do normally, you allowed that "Harmless" app that blackmailer told you to install, the permissions to access your storage. Now when you let any app the access to your storage, what you basically do is give them full authority of your personal storage. Be it internal or an external SD card. Now what you don't know is the app is actually a worm for your data and your data is now easily accessible by hackers.

She would cut herself, around her neck, other places and then show this woman, take a video of the cuts. These people pay top dollar to watch someone kill themselves

A screenshot of a red room
Sandy Cadena told the police after she found her daughter Natasha Cadena dead in her apartment by hanging herself to the ceiling fan. Now read closely what the victim's mother said "These people pay top dollar to watch someone kill themselves". Now believe it or not, on the Darknet, the hidden and mysterious part of the internet, there are several websites dedicated to watch someone die in an awful way on a live stream and people do pay "top dollars" for that.These websites are called "RED ROOMS"(Google it if you don't believe me). How do I know that? I happen to be a darknet surfer (Strictly for educational purposes) and have stumbled upon these sites several times. They tell you to send an amount in bitcoins (untraceable digital money) equaling around $3000. Then they tell
You can download a previous event video too
you a date and time on which the event will be hosted, and that my friends, is the day another blue whale victim dies. How do I know all of this? Sandy Cadena, mother of the victim, said her daughter‘s phone was found near her feet. She hanged herself after kicking a Child’s Chair out from under her. You can read the full story by clicking here. This is not the only evidence to support my story. Jorge Gonzalez, father of another victim, told WOlA-TV, San Antonio that his son was discovered hanging in his closet with the phone popped up for videoing. All of these people were blackmailed first for some app and later to commit suicide after a series of challenges.

How Can YOU Stay Safe?

While you might think you're safe, you are not. Here are a few tips to stay safe:

  • NEVER have a conversation with anyone on social media you do not know in person.
  • NEVER open a mysterious link claiming you have won an iPhone or some other prize
  • NEVER log into your personal social media account like Facebook or a twitter on a public PC at a library. Always use your personal device for such activities.
  • NEVER reply to spam email
  • NEVER download a file from the internet without an antivirus program. Regularly scan your computer and cell phone for malicious software with a reliable antivirus program.
  • NEVER install apps outside of Google play store and apple app store.
  • NEVER give apps the permissions they don't need. For example, a game of poker doesn't need to access your contacts.

Common Misconceptions about Blue Whale:

People think that it will be some kind of app with a fancy whale as an icon waiting to be installed on your phone with the name of "Blue Whale". It is far from the truth. In all of the cases mentioned above, the commands were given by a phone call, usually an international untraceable number. If you feel someone is trying to blackmail you in installing any app or click on any link, report it to the cyber crime department. In Pakistan you can easily report cyber crime online. Click here to check National Response Center for Cyber Crime‘s website.
Bottom line is that this Blue Whale issue is more serious than you think, You are very much vulnerable if you are not careful. Share this article and contact us if you have any further questions. Say safe guys and peace out.


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